Pädagogische Werke für eine*n Schüler*in und seinen/ihre Lehrer*in, für zwei Saxophons (1999)“

Billaudot Verlag, score in sell: GB 6984

Auftrag des „Association des professeurs de saxophone A. Sax“. UA der Saxophonfassung: C.N.R. d’Amiens, S. Bertocchi und seine Klasse, 07/02/2000.

I.- Ne te laisse pas perturber par ton professeur
II.- Où niche l’hibou ?
III.- Le p’tit prince a dit
IV.- Katajjaq
V.- Un je n’sais quoi
VI.- L’hibou niche ni haut, ni bas
VII.- Pour la classe

Programmtext (auf English):
These short works for teaching purposes are duets written for a teacher and his/her student who have been studying for at least two years. The tempo should be chosen depending on the level of the student.

In concert, for a group of six students, each student will play his piece with the teacher, and will conduct the last piece, Pour la classe. If they are sufficiently capable, the six students will be seated around the public (as indicated in «Pour la classe»), and the teacher will move from student to student before going to the centre to conduct this last work.

Katajjaq: formulas will be chosen depending on the students‘ capability (the most difficult formulas could be eliminated).

[cml_media_alt id='2148']I - Ne te laisse pas perturber par ton professeur