Fukio Saxophone Quartet
Danse Polyptote
Christine Paté & Matthias Badczong [Premiere of the version for clar. & acc.] [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]
Danse Polyptote
Christine Paté & Matthias Badczong [Premiere of the version for bassclar. & acc.]
Towards the door we never opened
Fukio Saxophone Quartet
L’air d’ailleurs – Bicinium
Lexèmes hirsutes & Anaphores
Ulrike Brand [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]
Lexèmes hirsutes & Anaphores
Ulrike Brand [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]
Danse Polyptote
Ensemble Aleph [French Premiere] [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]
Towards the door we never opened
Fukio Saxophone Quartet [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]
Towards the door we never opened
Fukio Saxophone Quartet [Spanish Premiere] [:en][/:en][:de][/:de][:fr][/:fr]