für Soprano (manchmal verstärkt), Klarinette, Klavier, Accordeon & electrische Gitare – 2016, ca. 15′
Ricordi Verlag, score in rent: Sy. 4488
UA: 13 Okt. 2016, Teatro Reggio di Parma, Festival Verdi, Parma, Italien; Silvia Frigato (Soprano), Ensemble Ex Novo, cond.: Tonino Battista.
Programmtext (in English):
French Poet Laure Gauthier specially wrote for this piece a poem inspired by the last words of Maria Stuart “Nun hab’ ich nichts mehr“ [Now, I’m left with nothing] in the eponymous drama by Friedrich Schiller. A piece on the acceptance of death and frailty, the loss of the Schillerian Sublime, the breath.